There are quite a number of solutions used by different platers, for depositing nickel by means of the electric current, any of which are capable of doing excellent work, but in the hands of an inexperienced person, they all prove rather difficult to manage. The simplest, and perhaps the best solution, is made by adding slowly to a solution of nitrate, or chloride of nickel, a solution of cyanide of potassium as long as a precipitate, or cloud is formed, pour off the clear liquid. Wash the precipitate, and dissolve it in a strong solution of cyanide of potassium, adding a very little more of the cyanide solution, than is required simply to dis¬solve it.
Another, and a very good solution for electro-nickel plating, is simply solution of chloride of nickel, and^yields a very white and brilliant de-posit. Still another solution is composed of sulphate of nickel two parts, tartaric acid (dis¬
solved in water) one part, and potash (concen¬trated lye) one-tenth part, or the tartaric acid and potash may be a very little in excess of the figures given without injuring the solution. This solution we think is capable of giving bet¬ter results than either of the others, and is much more simple in its preparation. There are quite a number of other solutions used to a greater or less extent by different electro platers, but their preparation and maintenance involve difficult and complex operations that necessitate a thorough knowledge of chemistry and for that reason would be out of place here.
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